SWIR thermal imaging

Providing Human-Like Vision using SWIR Technology

Cameron Serles
Written by Cameron Serles on June 14, 2022

Over the past few months, we have discussed the numerous benefits that SWIR imaging technology offers such as the ability to see through particulates and glass, incredible thermography capabilities and providing a higher measurement accuracy when welding. Today we will be discussing another benefit that solves the problem of high contrast scenes in metal additive manufacturing. 

The bright arc (in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing, or WAAM) or the laser spot (in laser cladding applications) can saturate a traditional thermal camera in the weld arc or melt pool region, resulting in a poor image with no potential for meaningful measurement capabilities. 

Our newest camera, the XIR-1800 Thermal Camera uses SWIR technology to provide human-like vision to the operator.

Unlike Mid-Wave Infrared (MWIR) or Long-Wave Infrared (LWIR) light, which are emitted from the object itself, SWIR light is like visible light in that photons are reflected or absorbed by an object, providing the strong contrast needed for high resolution imaging. Therefore, SWIR imaging provides a much better tool for Additive Manufacturing to be able to clearly see the boundaries of key components in the vicinity of molten metal. SWIR imaging produces images that are recognized by the human brain – they look similar in shape and size to a visual image so that humans can see, recognize, and validate the components present in a SWIR image of a welding process and are able to confirm if the measuring tools used on the resulting images are working correctly. See for yourself in the video below or by visiting our Weld Thermal Video Library.  Laser Cladding Process Captured Using SWIR imagingRequest a copy of our latest webinar to see more real-world tests using SWIR imaging or request to speak with one of our experts. You can also let us know your questions about SWIR technology below in the comments! Until then, get ready for our new blog coming out next month. 

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